Wednesday 31 August 2016

Flash Back Friday

I had a flash back on Friday night. My male friend sent me a link to a song on Youtube, Sam Hunt's Take Your Time. I love the song but I hadn't watched the video before. It was about a guy watching a gal over time and her spouse ends up abusing her. 

I've talked about it before but why didn't people help me? Why didn't my neighbours call the police when they heard shouting and why didn't they call when they heard things breaking and doors being slammed? If you heard shouting and slamming doors would you call the police? Perhaps it's because people don't want to be involved. Thing is, you can request to remain anonymous when reporting it. Please, please call the police if you hear something that sounds like a domestic disturbance!

The other thing that came up was, and I'm not even sure how we got on the subject, was sex. He made some comment about it with his ex-wife and I asked he change the subject. He then said something to the effect I hope you aren't eluding to the fact he did something to you. I don't remember what I said but I manage to avoid giving an actual answer. I don't want to talk about the sexual abuse with anyone outside of you all and my counselor. I did what I had to survive but it doesn't mean I enjoyed it. I know I've come a long way over this past year and come to terms with the abuse I suffered in my marriage but I won't talk about the sexual abuse. I've moved past feeling like damaged goods. 

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